There is a saying about courting investors: «Ask for money, get advice. Ask for advice, get money twice.» Raising capital is first and foremost about relationships. The money comes later.
Let us help you build the right relationships with the right investors for you. Let’s talk!
You have it all figured out. Your vision, business model, evidence for demand, maybe even a minimum viable product or service that works, great presence in the media and social media. Yet, for whatever reason you struggle to convince investors to give you the urgently needed money? Drop us a message. We can help!
Preparation is essential to be successful when negotiating with investors. You only get one chance to distinguish yourself from your competition.
Pitch presentation, elevator pitch, one pager, workbook, hand-out, due diligence etc. You want to max out the potential of your venture by telling the right story the right way to the right investors? Let us make your story even better, together!